Thursday, December 31, 2009


The world you can trust, believe, share and understand.

"Creating the beginning of a world of free educational materials"

created by: Yusuf Sulistyo Nugroho

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Assignment For All Class of Physics and Basic of Electronics

Study Program D3-Computer Engineering

Physics & Basic of Electronics
  1. Design a blog or web!
  2. Make your blog contains your physic and electronics knowledge, idea to improve the its development or other!
  3. Write down your idea on your blog!
  4. Send your blog address to this email:
Study Program S1-Information Engineering

  1. Design a blog or web!
  2. Make your blog contains your physic knowledge, idea to improve the physics development or other!
  3. Write down your idea on your blog!
  4. Send your blog address to this email:
Yusuf SN

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tugas Fisika Listrik Kelas C

Tugas Fisika Listrik Kelas C
  1. Tiga buah kapasitor dihubungkan secara seri dan paralel, C1=1 μF, C2=2 μF, C3=3 μF dihubungkan dengan sumber tegangan 12 V. Tentukanlah (a) Kapasitas gabungannya, (b) muatan masing-masing kapasitor!
  2. Suatu kapasitor berisi udara, tegangannya Vo. Kapasitor itu kemudian diisi mika (k=5) dan diisolasi (muatannya dibuat tetap). Berapakah tegangan kapasitor itu sekarang?
  3. Jika sebuah kapasitor yang berkapasitas 10 μF mempunyai energi listrik sebesar 1 joule, maka berapakah tegangannya?
Tugas dikumpulkan dalam kertas (ditulis tangan) pada hari Sabtu, 25 April 2009.